Leadership Team

Johanna Karen Urquhart

Johanna Urquhart | Principal

As the only fully authorised International Baccalaureate continuum school in the area, we endeavour to be an exemplar IB World School, implementing their programmes exactly as they were intended, with education being driven by an inquiry-based and highly experiential, collaborative and caring approach. We live and breathe our H.E.A.R.T. Core Values on a daily basis and are forever breaking the boundaries of the traditional classroom thanks, above all, to a team of highly skilled, dynamic and committed professionals. Our educational model aims to prepare our students for success at school and in their future, shaping learners who are Happy, Experiential, Ambitious, Respectful and Thoughtful.

Taylor Becky

Becky Taylor | Head of Primary


John Power | Head of Secondary Pastoral, Deputy Principal

"All'indirizzo International School of Milan, insegniamo e sviluppiamo le competenze e i comportamenti per consentire agli studenti di raggiungere il loro pieno potenziale. Gli insegnanti e il personale si dedicano a preparare tutti gli studenti al successo e a prendere il loro posto come cittadini globali fiduciosi in un mondo in rapido cambiamento".

Mole Vicki

Vicki Mole | Head of Learning Innovation & IB MYP Coordinator


Cavasassi Anna

Anna Cavasassi | Reggio-Inspired Early Years Coordinator

Bennett Stacey

Stacey Bennett | IB PYP Coordinator

Giovannini Michela

Michela Giovannini | IB DP Coordinator